The Tower from our hotel room
Tommy Thompson, Chuck Eisemann, Grand Alpha Steve Hopkins, and Bob Simpson
mingling with the Grand Alpa
More attendees making use of the bar
No, it's not a Congo line, just the buffet, which was great!
Brothers and guests enjoying the food and just chillin'
ONo, it's not Jerry Dunagan, Bill Choice, and Jack Ball but almost as good. It's The Jazz Trio from THE University of Texas
One of the displays that were scattered around the club with historical information about Chi Phi
More displays
The speakers podium
I feel like dancin'. Some of the younger brothers having a good time at the Bicentennial
Hanging around the bar
Another display
It's time for introductions and business.
The Grand Alpha, our own Steve Hopkins, leads a round of finger snapping/
The volunteers and officers who have taken on the leadership responsibilities are introduced to the attendees.
A man of few words, Steve Hopkins addresses the attendees.
(Click on an image to view at full size.)